Top Social Media Marketing Trends in 2023

The Metaverse

We start with the Social Media Marketing Trends for this 2023, the Metaverse. Many brands and companies have already started to create a virtual world on their websites, products and services, and also on social networks!

The Metaverse is a virtual universe that has arrived to change the digital world as we knew it until now. The launch of Apple’s Augmented Reality Glasses is expected this year, with which users will be able to access the Metaverse and interact and share experiences with other people.

In Metaverse and Spatial, where creators and brands can build their own virtual spaces. In them, users can share content and interact with other users. You can even set up virtual events!

The Metaverse is expected to evolve and mark the technology of the future. Therefore, if you want to be up to date on social networks this 2023, you cannot ignore the Metaverse.

Social Media Exposure

The second of the trends in social media marketing in 2023, according to Hootsuite, is based on the fact that the new social media exposure in the C-Suite “opens up new levels of scrutiny, with different opinions on what ROI is among marketers. social leaders and high-level leaders.

Creation of “more creative and unique” content

As Hootsuite’s 2023 Social Trends annual report concludes, “recycling content becomes a thing of the past.” Conversely, looking ahead to the year ahead, “marketers stop chasing new features and start getting more strategic, creating more creative and unique content for fewer platforms.”

Commerce in social networks

eCommerce in social networks “loses traction with the retreat of the platforms, who get carried away for the moment without looking to the future.” In this respect of Social Commerce, the trends in social media marketing in 2023 include the fact that “marketers with patience will discover new opportunities to gain a competitive advantage”.

Social media search optimization

Surely more than one reader has heard or read news about how TikTok is gaining ground on Google in terms of content searches. Because we must not forget that SEO ROI & positioning or doing keyword research is not just a strategy for Google.

For this reason, another of the trends in social media for 2023 is that “the optimization of search in social networks becomes a decisive skill for marketers”.

Use of chatbots as a differentiating element

How does this affect digital marketing and the use of social networks? Well, according to Hootsuite’s 2023 Social Trends annual report, “with the return to shopping in physical stores, companies lose focus on digital customer service, which opens the door to the adoption of chatbots to differentiate themselves from the rest”.

Which is important, because many people have already gotten used to omnichannel shopping, buying a product over the Internet and picking it up at the store. Or also to establish contact with the companies through their profiles on social networks instead of calling by phone, submitting a form or going to the store in person.

More vertical video in 2023

Although TikTok’s astronomical boom is nothing new, its influence on the way other social media platforms operate will continue. Let’s get ready to see more content in 9:16 format (portrait full screen).

  • It’s no surprise that Instagram has followed TikTok’s lead, and now YouTube and Facebook have too. On Facebook, vertical videos have a 90% higher completion rate than horizontal videos, and YouTube is testing a new feature that reformats video ads to play vertically.
  • As the number of platforms that support this aspect ratio increases, the same content can be reused to extend its reach. However, recently TikTok has included the ability to view full screen video horizontally, in a clear battle against YouTube.

Brands will invest more in advertising on TikTok

The success of brands on TikTok will not be limited to user-generated content. The platform is doubling down on revenue generation with more digital advertising opportunities.

Being a relatively new platform, TikTok is seeing tremendous results, holding the title of the world’s fastest growing media app.

Increased ad spends on TikTok

Brands that have turned to advertising on TikTok are already seeing promising results. A study by Triple Whale, brands increased their spend on the platform by 231% in the second quarter of 2022 compared to same period last year. Even more impressive, the same study found that direct-to-consumer brands leveraging TikTok were generating between $1 million and $5 million in revenue.

In 2023, we will see an increase in the number of brands and industries dedicating more of their digital advertising budget to TikTok, which in turn will drive more innovations on the platform and lead to more TikTok marketing opportunities within the advertising space. digital.

Other data from the 2023 Social Media Trends report

In line with the marketing trends in social networks in 2023:

  • Almost 75% of organizations do not use chatbots from social and messaging platforms
  • Less than 8% say their customer support team is solely responsible for providing this service on messaging and social platforms
  • Nearly half (49%) of organizations say that social media customer service was typically or exclusively the responsibility of the marketing team
  • Regarding purchases, under 25 years of age investigate and evaluate brands
  • 37% of professionals surveyed think that entering payment information on social platforms is the biggest problem for buyers
  • Nearly half (48%) of consumers believe that seller reputation and product quality are their top concern when shopping on social media, while less than 8% of sellers said the same

The social media marketing profession matures

“However, looking ahead to 2023, the threat of a potential recession, rising inflation, declining consumer spending. Downsizing in major business sectors have made decision-making precarious for companies. Of all sizes. Despite this uncertainty, Hootsuite’s report shows that there is also good news,” the statement said.

The previous marketing trends in social networks for 2023 “marketing professionals are experiencing a decisive historical moment for the sector.” To the point that “after decades of advocating for social media to have a seat at the board table, it’s finally happening. These professionals are getting more representation in their work, and social media marketing has matured.” as a profession.”

“In a year marked by global economic and social upheaval, brands and organizations are looking for tools to help them navigate their business by making noise to connect with their customers, and more urgently as we all become more digital and connected. . With the release of our 2023 Trend Report, we are proud to offer our insights and recommendations to help organizations not only successfully navigate the digital wilderness, but also adapt to new buyer trends, find new ways to to support its customers and to identify new avenues for growth’.

Tom Keizer, CEO of Hootsuite


In 2023, brands could live video streaming, to offer quality service to customers directly from social media applications. Buyers will be able to receive the same expert advice that they would receive where they are. 

In fact, brands which have already found success integrating live streaming into their social media engagement strategy. As customers demand immediate responses from brands in online channels, we will see this trend continue in the long term. 

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