Applications Of Artificial Intelligence In Digital Marketing

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Artificial intelligence applications in digital marketing are present throughout all processes. These Smart insights graph illustrates this:

Artificial Intelligence Marketing Applications

AI is not only present in all stages of the digital marketing funnel, but it can also help us improve results in each of them. Let’s go into a little more detail and see some concrete applications of artificial intelligence in the world of marketing. Although some may seem like science fiction, many are already a reality today:

  1. Content generation

Yes, far from generating meaningless texts, artificial intelligence already allows you to create interesting and 100% original content. Tools like Wordsmith, Articoolo and Quill allow you to generate content from a series of very basic data and information.

  1. Content curation

Surely you have experienced this type of technology through Amazon product recommendations or Netflix content. This is what we mean offering appropriate content to each user, in a totally personalized way. 

  1. Programmatic advertising

Programmatic advertising is based on using artificial intelligence to automate the purchase of advertising to reach more specific segments.

An example of this automation is Real-time-bidding or RTB, this type of programmatic advertising allows you to maximize customer conversion and reduce the acquisition cost efficiently and quickly. 

  1. Predictive analytics

Artificial intelligence allows digital marketing to be taken one step further: it is possible to anticipate user needs and offer them the product or service they need even before they search for it, thanks to predictive analysis. This type of analysis consists of the use of data, algorithms and machine learning techniques to determine the probability of certain future events based on historical data.

The applications of predictive analytics are huge in the world of marketing. One of them is lead scoring, a technique that makes it possible to determine with greater certainty the probability that a prospect will become a customer based on their profile and behavior. 

  1. Chatbots

It is possible that when you think of artificial intelligence, a robot comes to mind immediately. In digital marketing, chatbots are very common, the most visible facet of AI and that many brands have begun to implement as communication channels with their potential customers.

They allow you to offer customer service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. At the same time, they are capable of managing a large volume of inquiries simultaneously and maintaining a high level of service quality.

  1. Marketing automation

Currently, marketing automation requires human intervention to determine the flows and rules of each customer journey, ironically. However, artificial intelligence could achieve, in the not too distant future, that these tools are completely autonomous.

In this way, it would decide, automatically, which is the best path to follow for each user based on their specific profile and the historical data available to them.

  1. Email marketing

Email marketing does not escape adopting initiatives that incorporate artificial intelligence. It could not be otherwise when facing a digital marketing tool as powerful as email marketing. Tools like Phrasee and Persado use language processing to create subject lines, email bodies that perform better  95% of cases.

  1. Web design and User Experience UX

Although it may seem unthinkable, artificial intelligence is also making its way in the field of web designing and User Experience (UX). Currently we AI to design web pages based on a series of information that the user must provide, images, text, etc.

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