Like the phrase “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”, the effectiveness of a web design will be judged by the users of the web page and not by the owners. There are many factors that affect the usability of a website, and it is not only about the form (how good it looks), but also the operation, is it easy to use? we found this answer by the fundamental basic principles of web design.
Websites that are not well designed tend to perform poorly and have lousy Google Analytics metrics (for example, high bounce rates, low time on place, few page views, and low conversions).
How to create a Good Web Design?
Below we present a very summarized decalogue with the basic principles of web designing that will make your project aesthetically pleasing, easy to use, attractive and effective.
The purpose of Fundamental basic principles of web design
A good web design always responds to the needs of the user. You have to know very well what interaction visitors will carry out, for example in search of information, entertainment, some type of special interaction, or to carry out transactions with your business. Each page of your website should have a very clear purpose, in order to satisfy a specific need for your users in the most effective way possible.
The Communication
Information searchers want it hurriedly, so it’s important to write evidently, and make your data easy to read and understand. Some effective tactics to include in your web design are: organize information using headings and subheadings, using bullet points instead of long, text-heavy sentences, and please, remove the straw to make text ratio.
What Typeface to Apply
Normally, Sans Serif fonts like Arial and Verdana are cooler to read. The ideal font size for easy reading online is between 14px and 16px and stick to a maximum of 3 fonts in a maximum of 3 point sizes to keep your design streamlined.
Use Of Colors
A logo branding or a color palette thought can go a long way in improving the user experience. Complementary colors create balance and harmony. Using contrasting colors for the text and background will make reading easier on the eye, plus we’ll meet web accessibility goals. Vibrant colors create excitement and should be used sparingly (e.g. for buttons and actions). Very importantly, white and negative spaces impact the website as an up-to-date and organized expression.
Use Of Images
A picture is worth a thousand words, and choosing the right images for your website can help with branding and connect with your target audience. If you don’t have high-quality professional photos on hand, consider buying photos, there are many companies that have thousands of photos in stock, to get them to look away from your website development. Also consider the inclusion of infographics, videos and graphics, you will see how these can be much more effective in communication than even the best written piece of text.
It is very important to carry out a correct treatment of the images to be uploaded. Although we look for good quality, this must be compensated with an effective loading speed. Not only do you have to entrust the upload to a plugin that automatically converts the image to a certain format and weight, it is essential to spend time manually reviewing each image.
Usability Or Navigation
It’s about analyzing how easy it is for people to take action on your website and see how they move. Some tactics for effective navigation include a logical page hierarchy, using breadcrumbs, button layout that makes it easy to find with a click, and applying the ‘three-click rule’, that visitors will be able to discover the exact webpage. information they are looking for within three clicks maximum.
Placing content randomly on your web page can end up with a cluttered look that is also cluttered. Grid-based layouts organize content into sections, columns, and boxes that align and provide harmony and balance, leading to a layout that looks streamlined and provides visitor confidence.
Design to be mobile friendly mobile web design
It is already everyday place for websites to be opened from several mobile phone devices with various screen sizes, so it is significant to ponder whether your website development is mobile friendly. If the website doesn’t have a mobile layout, you can either restructure it in a responsive layout or you can build a dedicated mobile site (a standalone website optimized specifically for mobile users). mobile). Another highly recommended technique is to offer the mobile version through CSS techniques.